Investigations Unit

The Investigations Unit (IU) is responsible for conducting investigations into allegations of potential University policy violations by employees that are referred from other University departments, including the Dean of the Faculty (DOF), Human Resources (HR), Institutional Equity and Diversity (IED), and Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), along with all alleged Title IX violations as referred by the Title IX Coordinator. The centralized function of the IU promotes investigative best practices and the foundational principles of consistency, neutrality, fairness, and efficiency.

Stephanie B. Davis, director

Virginia Dare, office coordinator

Naomi Linder-Perlman, lead investigator

Amy Onder, lead investigator

Jessica Caspe, investigator 

Cara Foerst, investigator

Charlene Moore Hayes, investigator

Laura McLester, investigator

Jessie Skinnider, investigator 

Brian Taylor, investigator

Edward White, investigator